The Massive originated as a board for cruising on small days or paddling wide on the bigger ones. Its low nose entry, deep channels, and parallel outline allow it to fall at the speed of the wave and follow large arcs and curves of bigger faces. Ridden with large or small keels, the Massive has plenty of base to push against and project out with. The even distribution of foam under the surfer's feet allows the board to be ridden from almost any position. Standing on or over the first ⅓ of the board will allow you to trim over flat sections on small days or position yourself forward in tubing waves. The back to the middle of the board is where the speed generation and turning power come from. When your back foot is over the fins, you will feel solid and connected to the wave face, thanks to the four deep channels and keels. The Massive performs well in micro swells when all you can do is stand up tall and let the wave push you along, right up to the big days when foam and paddle power are your friends.

surfboards with high-performance concave shapes-Simon Jones Designs | 7’2” Massive Opaque Surfboard