The MiniBob is the shortest model I offer with an average length of around 5'2". Its also one of the fastest and most fun. It's based on the mini Simmons concept, originating from the design ideas of early surfboard innovator Bob Simmons. A short and wide planing surface equals less wetted surface area and enables the MiniBob to pick up speed very quickly and glide without the need to pump the board. It is very nimble and quick handling and turns small to medium size days into a really great time. It comes standard with extra thick, oversize glass on keels for maximum lift and drive. This board is built in a full wood composite, shaped from an ultralight EPS foam blank with no center stringer to allow the wood to flex and spring without any dampening a conventional heavier blank or stiffening stringer would cause.

surfboards with advanced construction for durability-Nine Lights | 5’2" Mini Bob Veneer Surfboard