This surfboard storage system has everything the seasoned surfer needs to keep their gear organized and safe. It securely holds 5 or 7 boards, up to 10' (feet) in length. The spacing between boards is tight to minimize any wasted floor space yet wide enough to easily pull out a board at a moment's notice, even if the boards are stored with their fins attached. Just like at surf shops, a secure locking bungee holsters the boards into the rack, adding another level of assurance that your boards are resting safe. The rack also has padding around the area where the rails sit against the rack, eliminating any unneeded stress points on the board's fragile glass job and ensuring that the investment in your surfboards lasts as long as possible.
This particular model comes with a custom-sized black foam pad that is attached to the bottom of the rack. This denser foam also ensures no added stress points to the part of the glass job where a majority of the board's weight is being applied. This is particularly useful in preventing dings when pulling boards in and out of the rack; it also protects boards with sharper rails or those with swallow tails, which are notorious for getting dings on the bottom of their tails.
These racks are crafted items. All of our wooden freestanding surf racks are made of the highest-quality hand-picked kiln-dried Red Oak hardwood, meaning that there are few to no knots found in any of the wood pieces on your rack. The racks are fully sanded down and ready for use, but add a layer of clear coat or stain, if you so desire. We also offer
The stand is designed to keep your boards safe vertically and minimize wasted space, without the added aggravation of drilling openings into the wall. You can move your board quiver about freely, at your convenience. Extra fins and surfboard wax can be stored under the foam base, out of harm’s way and organized out of sight.
We've done extensive testing with our team on these models. We all love it, and