The FCS II Carver Neo Glass Acid Tri Set are an elongated fin for performing long arc turns. The Carver has an extended sweep angle that provides excellent control off the bottom and when carving the face. The FCS II Carver Neo Glass Acid Tri Set are designed for open face, down-the-line waves, particularly good in point and reef breaks. This is the 'go-to' fin set for power surfers who push hard against their fins and carve long drawn-out turns on the wave face. FCS recommend the Carver fin for boards with deep concaves and moderate-to-extreme rocker.
Fin Specs: Medium (approximate rider weight 65-80kg)
- Base: 4.54" / 115mm
- Depth: 4.58" / 116mm
- Area: 14.96"² / 9650mm²
- Sweep: 37.0º
- Foil: Flat
Fin Specs: Large (approximate rider weight 75-90kg)
- Base: 4.58" / 116mm
- Depth: 4.66" / 118mm
- Area: 15.73"² / 10150mm²