surfboards with removable fins for easy customization-2024 Ronix Volcom Sea Captain Wakesurf Board

Size 4'4"


A thruster inspired shape for surfers looking for on-the-gas edge hold. This board has a narrower outline allowing it to sit deeper in the water. The result is a strong edge that will lock into a turn. For the rider that wants a strong, powerful cutback, but also wants to feel more connected. This is a quicker reacting version of our other proven traditional surfer, the Conductor. Did we mention that this collaboration comes complete with artwork created by the bees’ knees of surfing? Now available with a new mid-size 4’7 version.

  • Fin-S System
  • 3-3" Fiberglass Fin
  • Machined EVA Front / Rear Pad
  • Lava Resin
  • Handmade by Robots
  • Core Vents
  • Performance- All Levels
  • Construction- Stoney Baloney Tech - Another archaeological gem of a surf movie created by the fine folks of Volcom. Relevance to the construction of this surfer?
  • Thickness- Standard Added top water speed with increased buoyancy for a rider that wants a traditional surf feel in the waterline.
  • Rail- Blended.
Size Chart Size Chart
Size Volume Weight
4'4" 13.5 L Up to 185 lbs.
4'7" 14.5 L Up to 200 lbs.
4'10" 15.5 L 160 lbs. and up